Neural network models for Internet of Things(IoT)


Neural network models for Internet of Things(IoT)

  • Collaborative adversary nodes learning on the logs of IoT devices in an IoT network : Artificial Intelligence (AI) development has encouraged many new research areas, including AI-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) network. AI analytics and intelligent paradigms greatly improve learning efficiency and accuracy. Applying these learning paradigms to network scenarios provide technical advantages of new networking solutions. In this paper, we propose an improved approach for IoT security from data perspective. The network traffic of IoT devices can be analyzed using AI techniques. The Adversary Learning (AdLIoTLog) model is proposed using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with attention mechanism on sequences of network events in the network traffic. We define network events as a sequence of the time series packets of protocols captured in the log. We have considered different packets TCP packets, UDP packets, and HTTP packets in the network log to make the algorithm robust. The distributed IoT devices can collaborate to cripple our world which is extending to Internet of Intelligence. The time series packets are converted into structured data by removing noise and adding timestamps. The resulting data set is trained by RNN and can detect the node pairs collaborating with each other. We used the BLEU score to evaluate the model performance. Our results show that the predicting performance of the AdLIoTLog model trained by our method degrades by 3-4% in the presence of attack in comparison to the scenario when the network is not under attack. AdLIoTLog can detect adversaries because when adversaries are present the model gets duped by the collaborative events and therefore predicts the next event with a biased event rather than a benign event. We conclude that AI can provision ubiquitous learning for the new generation of Internet of Things.
  • Network Traffic Analysis based IoT Device Identification:Device identification is the process of identifying a device on Internet without using its assigned network or other credentials. The sharp rise of usage in Internet of Things (IoT) devices has imposed new challenges in device identification due to a wide variety of devices, protocols and control interfaces. In a network, conventional IoT devices identify each other by utilizing IP or MAC addresses, which are prone to spoofing. Moreover, IoT devices are low power devices with minimal embedded security solution. To mitigate the issue in IoT devices, fingerprint (DFP) for device identification can be used. DFP identifies a device by using implicit identifiers, such as network traffic (or packets), radio signal, which a device used for its communication over the network. These identifiers are closely related to the device hardware and software features. In this paper, we exploit TCP/IP packet header features to create a device

Students' work
